Upload page for USPCA Trial paperwork
Please check the program! I am getting a lot of incomplete submissions. BEFORE you click below, recheck to make sure that the following info is complete:
1) Judges/Scorekeepers tab - Judges names should be spelled correctly. The number of dogs that they judges should have auto filled correctly. If you don't see 3 or 5 scores, go back and make sure you have everything correct. Make sure the scorekeepers info is complete at the bottom of this tab.
2) Participants tab- Make sure the competitors names are spelled correctly please.
3) Amounts - Please make sure that the amounts are listed correctly. Don't forget the Crowd Screen amount if applicable and make sure that the ORT tab is complete in explosive tests.
4) Just in general, scan it over. If there is a random number that is off, find it! Usually its just something as simple as an extraneous symbol or number somewhere where it shouldn't be.
Thank you for your work! We know that doing trial paperwork is not a lot of fun sometimes, but we do appreciate all that you do.
Trial paperwork is required to be turned into the National Secretary within 30 days of the trial. Please ensure that all participants are current year paid members.
To submit Trial programs and other paperwork, CLICK HERE
If you have any questions or concerns, please let Melinda know. Thanks so much!